The Dark Ages...

Wikipedia’s entry on the Dark Ages starts with this: "Dark Age or Dark Ages is a term in historiography referring to a period of cultural decline or societal collapse...". Historians originally applied this name to the period after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Knowledge acquired since has caused the term to fall out of critical usage with most scholars, as we now know that time wasn't nearly as grim and "barbaric" as once thought.

Anyone who has read Terry Jones' Barbarians might come away feeling, in fact, that the Romans were the real "barbarians". They seem to have been a culture enamored of violence and death, They are also famous for their many technological accomplishments.

People have often been quick to draw parallels between modern America and the Roman Empire: almost constant warfare, violence as entertainment, decadence, greedy and corrupt leadership, rapid technological advance, an over-extension of resources, etc.

I can't help but feel right now that our nation is in a period of cultural decline and/or societal collapse. Perhaps we are living in the Dark Ages...


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