Looking for Something to Read?

I was prowling around a little on the Internet, and ended up on author Guy Gavriel Kay's Bright Weavings website, where I found a link to The Journal of Mythic Arts, which was sponsored by the non-profit organization, The Endicott Studio.  I haven't had time to prowl every corner of the site, but I did stumble across their reading lists.  I feel like a kid in a candy store!  I have been reading fantasy fiction for nearly forty years now, and I've been having difficulties finding much to read that doesn't seem like 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation knock-offs of authors I read years ago.  Their Mythic Fiction Reading List is a long list, indeed.  I have read some of the titles, but there are many more here that I have not even heard of.  They also posted a Fairy Tale Fiction Reading List that looks quite promising.  Check them out.  Pick a few that sound good.  Enjoy.  I know I am going to.  And if you aren't familiar with Guy Gavriel Kay, you should be.  He helped Christopher Tolkien finish his father's Silmarillion, the posthumous "prequel" to The Lord of the Rings, then has gone on to publish quite a few wonderful novels of his own, including the four books of the Fionavar TapestryTigana, and the brilliant Under Heaven and River of Stars, set in an alternate China.  Enjoy.


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