Doc Mathers and His Lions...

Manley Bonham Mathers (1889-1949) was a cousin of mine. He was a doctor of veterinary medicine and a breeder, at various times, of American Shorthorn Cattle, Percheron Horses, and Collies, in Mason City, Illinois. He also had, at one time, the largest private zoo in the United States. My mother remembers going there as a small girl. I have her album of photos from that trip. I'll scan and post some as I have time. I found this one on the Internet. He was a member of Mason City society and his wife would throw big formal dinners. He'd do things like turning a bunch of monkeys loose in the dining room during the shindig. I can't help wondering if that was a contributing factor in him getting divorced. He was quite a character, and I wish I'd gotten to meet him. I was about thirty years too late. Enjoy the picture...

I know that his zoo does not meet modern standards. It was a different time. There seems to be a problem these days with wanting to judge the past by modern standards. Judge a man (or woman) by the morals of his or her day, not yours.


  1. I've always loved this photo, and the stories your Mom would tell us about when she visited him as a little girl. I wish we could've known him, too!

  2. I was thinking about the Mason City Wikipedia piece, and I realized that Doc Mathers and my grandfather, Roy Gardner, were not mentioned as being notable. What other town in America had it's own private zoo and a man who played seven instruments at once for Ripley's? I well remember those lions roaring a night and the buffalo barbecue event on the Mather's farm. Llamas used to roam across the highway. At the time, I thought every town had its own zoo. What an experience for a childhood. Mason City shouldn't forget "Doc" Mathers and the snakes in his basement and lions and bears in their pens. It was a different time, but a good one. Those animals were loved.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. My mother went to Mason City as a young girl, on a family vacation. His zoo made a big impression on here. I have her photos from that trip (they are packed right now - we are moving very soon). I grew up hearing about my cousin, Manley. Its great to hear stories about that time. I'd love to hear any more that you might have.

      We're moving to Wisconsin. I plan, when we get things unpacked, on going down to Mason City and taking a look around. I also want to sit down with the Historical Society - I've got photos of Doc Mathers and some of his animals, but I also have period pics of Mason County.


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