Tuesday, 25 February 2014

No baby yet.  My daughter, Laura, is a sad Laura, a tired and frustrated Laura.

Time off.  Much needed.  I found myself missing Gina rather sorely when I got up today.  The house seemed so quiet and hollow with her gone.  When I realized I was sitting around wallowing in it, I got up, got dressed, grabbed Matt, and headed for Walmart to do a little shopping.  Along with the usual suspects - paper products and some OTC meds (fish oil, turmeric), I needed to get an ink cartridge for our printer, a shredder (ours went AWOL in the last move, I think) and a new bookcase.  We stopped on the way back and had some Chinese food, then picked something up at Petco.

Assembling the bookcase was fun...the directions had been left out of the box.  I looked at the pieces for a bit, until I could see how it went together in my mind.  Matt and I moved the old bookcase (held together with prayers, I think), cleaned, moved the hutch down, cleaned some more, and put the new bookcase in place.  It still needs a few more books from the back porch, but I'll get those tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be when we move furniture out of that space and clean our big area rug.  The "study" area will go from the front of the room to the back, looking out on the old lilac tree (its well beyond a bush).  The dining room table will occupy the middle of the room, and a love seat will go under the front window for some extra seating.

I've also got packages to mail to Montana and I'm going to take Matt to see the second Hobbit film tomorrow, God help me.  I'm a purist and wish Peter Jackson had stayed with the original gentler story, instead of making it a "summer blockbuster action flick".  I know my son will enjoy it, and if I can ignore the dreck, I'll enjoy Middle Earth.

I was helping our former foster daughter, Stephanie, with her genealogy a while back, and discovered some of her ancestors were amongst the Germans Catherine the Great of Russia relocated to the Volga River area.  I was looking at the seed offerings at Adaptive Seeds (awesome!) today when, much to my surprise, I discovered that they offered beans that were grown by the Volga Germans.  Who'd a thunk it?  Needless to say, I ordered a packet, along with some kale from Sutherland, Scotland, where some of Gina's ancestors came from, and some Irish peas, in honor of many of my ancestors.

And I had better get to bed.  Tomorrow is going to be a good, but very busy, day.


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