A Sad Time...

Arizona has legalized discrimination against gays under the guise of ensuring religious freedom.  I do not understand why people are so afraid of those who embrace an alternative lifestyle.  I'm afraid of tornadoes.  I'm from the West Coast.  I don't do tornadoes.  Or bombs, for that matter.  Iraq taught me that.  Gay people?  Really?  Are you that insecure in your masculinity (or femininity) and religious faith that their very existence threatens you?  God help you if a real threat comes along.

America seems to be devolving.  It is appalling to me how our great nation has become increasingly rooted in fear, hatred, divisiveness, and all manner of negativity.  Corporate-owned media work tirelessly to misdirect and divide the people of our land, polarizing the nation and preventing meaningful debate and cooperation between citizens.  Meanwhile, the 1% continue to rape and pillage the planet and secure ever-increasing police state controls over humanity, which they treat as objects (consumers, "those who consume").  They amass hoards of wealth akin to those of the Emperors and Kings of times gone by.

It seems increasingly clear that the River of Life has rapids and turbulent waters ahead.  God help us all.


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