Thursday, 27 February 2014...

My time off has been enjoyable and productive, though I lost part of today to a nasty and persistent headache.  Paid the bills.  Yay.  Matt and I got the room rearranged, with the desk under the back window, the dining room table in the middle, and the loveseat under the front window.  Bookshelves are in place and populated, while my great-grandfather's cedar chest is in the living room.  I really like the new arrangement.  The dining table is a new center of the house and should get used, instead of being a place to pile things, and the room is much more open.

We ran some errands.  I found some "woodland" soap to try, from Natural Grocers, since Whole Foods no longer carries its vetiver and cedar soap, which I loved.  (Amazon has one bar available, but as much as I like it, I'm not going to spend $13.49 for the last bar.

I have a Family History meeting to go to tonight, before work.

Our granddaughter has yet to be born.  If she doesn't volunteer by the end of the weekend, they are going to induce.  I'm sure each day feels like an eternity to Laura.

Matt and I went to see the second Hobbit movie.  I have to pretend to myself that it is completely separate from Tolkien's classic, or I will be very displeased with Peter Jackson.  He took quite a few liberties with the story, to transform it into a summer blockbuster, rather than leave it the gentler prequel to LOTR that is the book.  That being said, some things were done very well indeed.  As always, he brought the land of Middle Earth to life.  They find such memorable locations for shooting the films.  The spiders of Mirkwood were seriously creepy.  Where they truly excelled, though, was Smaug.  He rocks!  He is easily the best dragon ever brought to the screen.  There is a sinuousity to his movements that is usually lacking in the monsters of film.  They got the arrogance right.  This is what an evil dragon should be in high awesomely huge, fire-breathing monster.

The gift card came from the study I took part in.  Matt was excited, as I told him I'd order a game from Amazon that he has been wanting for a long time.  I ordered a copy of "I Remember Mama", an old movie Gina wanted, along with the first season of "Medium", which we both enjoy, and a replacement of "The Secret of Roan Inish", one of our favorite films.  We've been wanting "Barton Hollow", by the Civil Wars, for some time, so  I ordered that CD and a couple of others.  Some books finished off the card.  The mail will be bringing pleasant things for a while to come, I think.

And I had better go get ready...


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