Friday, 14 March 2014

Gina got back on the 9th.  Yay!  It is great to have her home again.  I've been busy, so I haven't been online as much.  I've also been trying to get caught up on rest, though the last couple of days sleep has been elusive. 

Classes are going fairly well right now.  We're coming to the close of the second week of the quarter.  AMU didn't accept all my old (mid-80s...) science units, so I needed to take one class.  I thought Oceanography sounded interesting and different.  So far, the class has been rather far-ranging, from the formation of the solar system to piracy and maritime law.  It is interesting.  In Middle Eastern Culture, we have been discussing the importance of tribalism in the region.

We found some great clothes at the local Goodwill Outlet store and Walmart this week - mostly for the grandkids, but I think there was an item or two for each of the kids.  Gina picked up a nice new pair of soft, fuzzy slippers, while I found a broad-banded dark blue-and-green shirt I really liked.  It looks almost like a rugby shirt.  We sent the two boxes for our daughters, and their children, this afternoon.  It was so nice to get out of the house first thing this morning, and go run some errands, just the two of us.  We took our time.  The weather started out a little rainy and smelled distinctly of the ocean, at first, but cleared up quickly enough, giving way to blue skies.  Something about the day and the weather resonated of good times in our past, adding some extra layers to the day.

Some of the remaining items from the gift card purchase rolled in, along with a few seeds I'd ordered.  It is nice having some new music to listen to.  I'm also looking forward to getting a larger garden plot started on the side of the garage this year, since the old cherry tree there didn't make it through the winter.  We've got some cherry logs aging from that.  Maybe the wood will be good enough, when it has dried, to do something with it.  Cherry is a lovely wood.


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